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Showing posts from December, 2015

Reality Bites.

Amidst the Christmas tree, the decorations, the gift shopping and card writing that has so consumed the last two weeks, another huge milestone for the year has also been ticking along in the background (or foreground..perhaps) - we have come to the end of our year of Prep! This in itself brings another set of to do lists, places to be, people to see and things to bring. With a class break up, whole school assembly, party day including a special lunch and teachers gifts to source, create, wrap and GIVE.... this week has been a whirlwind and I have just crashed back to earth today. When alllllll of that is happening amongst a busy, and important week at work (WHO schedules important meetings in the last weeks of the year? oh. me. right.) it's inevitable that at some point it will catch up to you. For two weeks I was aiming for Thursday evening, I just had to get through yesterday, and we'd be fine. And we did. And I was fine. Until 12.30am Thursday night / Friday mornin...