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Showing posts from June, 2016

Taco Tuesday, Bunday Monday, Sunday Roast.

And so the list goes! Many would be familiar with Taco Tuesday, and a definitive Aussie culture is the Sunday Roast. My 6 year old last week coined Bunday Monday! This means on Mondays we eat buns with various fillings. Week 1 was YIAH slow cooked pulled pork with homemade coleslaw, on brioche. Week 2 was YIAH La Parissiene meat patties with salad - essentially a hamburger - on tiger buns. It's not fancy, it only classifies as healthy because it's homemade and comes with salad but the most important thing about all of it is my 6 year old son is involved in the process. He named the funny meal day after working to find a word that rhymes with Monday, he has chosen the bread rolls each week and as a result is keen to eat what's in them.  Anyone with a six year old will understand the magnitude of a new food item being added to the revolving repertoire at this age.  So If Bunday Monday means cucumber and lettuce being eaten, roll on next Monday!