Find It. Embrace It. Use It. Find your motivation, identify when you feel motivated, embrace that feeling, use it. Motivation doesn't always come from a single source. Feel an urge to do something? Do It. It's not always that simple I hear you say. I HEAR YOU. Once you stop getting in your own way, it truly is that simple. Feel an urge to bake a cake? Get in the kitchen and do it. Get there and find you don't have what you need? This is not the end of the world. Use this as more motivation - to make a shopping list, so the next time you feel the urge to get your bake on, you can. Take it a step further and use all of this as motivation to go to shops. See? Be motivated. You have to let yourself BE motivated. You have to embrace that feeling, that urge. You have to act on it. That is being motivated. Motivation isn't always about exercise. It's about you - having the confidence to do what you want to do without getting in your own way.
{VERB} to stun or stupefy with a blow, shock, etc OR to overwhelm; {NOUN} a dazed condition; state of bemusement;