On Friday evening, I made cake. I took a 70-cent packet mix, added about 50-cents worth of milk, maybe 10-cents worth of butter, and an egg, beat it to death, baked it and voila cake. We iced it with another 5-cents of butter, a splash of milk and a cup of icing sugar and topped it with hundreds & thousands. So, let’s call it a dollar fifty? $1.50. I made the cake for no reason other than it was Friday and everyone was a bit urgh. And I thought well, cake makes everyone happy! When that cake was ready, we were taking advantage of the oven being on and pre-heated to cook dinner, which would take about 40 mins. So ya know what, we ate cake before dinner. Do you know what that does to a family? It was the cheekiest thing we’d done in ages, we felt like we’d broken the rules of the world and boy did we smile about it. Dinner came and went; everyone was far more relaxed than they were just an hour or two earlier. We sat at the table and pl...
{VERB} to stun or stupefy with a blow, shock, etc OR to overwhelm; {NOUN} a dazed condition; state of bemusement;