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Journey. Weird Word.

I always wondered, or found it strange, or considered it a bit over the top... when any person announced the commencement of their weight loss / exercise routine or regime...and used the word journey.

  1. an act of travelling from one place to another.

An act of travelling from one place to another.

Well, if you're making changes to what you eat, doing more exercise or undertaking any actions with an intent to lose weight or get fit. You aren't travelling anywhere. Right?

So in 2019. I wanted to type this year. But it's not. So in 2019, hubs and I underwent / started a weight loss.... JOURNEY.

Yeah, now I get it.

Because I've done it. I'm doing it. 

Each little benchmark is a station, a stop, a destination. 

And your intent is to keep moving, onto the next benchmark. The next goal. Whether that be more reps, more Km's, more kg's, a new yoga move, more calories even (because yes, if you're doing it right you know that at some point, MORE calories are just as prevalent as LESS calories *not an expert - vagueness intended*

I struggle also with defining this as only a weight loss journey. As it wasn't. As it's not. It's a journey through an entire lifestyle change. 

Are we at our final destination? Not yet, but gee whiz the scenery sure has changed. The seats are comfier. 

Our goal was to drop 20kg each. I've got 7kg to go. Hubs has 6kg. 

Will we get there. Yes we will. But we aren't in any hurry. Because when you rush a journey, you have to go back and do it again to see all the sights. 

We're not keen on going back to where we came from. So we're taking our time, absorbing every hill and valley. Learning the landscape. Understanding what tools we need to make this journey. 

See, now it makes sense.


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