Well, we're not. The pool builders are. We're paying them to build it. Same same right?
I've seen a lot of tradies at work, and these guys are among the hardest working I've seen. Dirt & concrete wait for no man.
It's also far more exact than I could have ever anticipated. Our pool is precisely measured, squared and hand sculpted, not even kidding. Those guys were out there with fixed tape measures, ensuring everything was perfect. We're honestly truly grateful for the care they've taken in their work. It really instills a sense of trust when you see that from a worker - regardless of industry.
We are at day 23 of the build. I wish I'd kept a daily Dear Diary. Because like anything we do, this has not been without drama, hiccups and challenges.... like every single day.
Let me take you back... to May, yes May! We signed the contract in the first week of May. We knew our pool guy was busy (any wonder given how wonderful a job he's done), and he had suggested a four month lead in. So that puts us at about early September, and us expecting a pool by November.
He called on a Tuesday evening in late July and said I'm coming Thursday to dig the pool, you know, if that's alright with you?
Cue chaos.
We had planned on having lots of other things done before the pool was to be dug. I had been basically immobile with a disc protrusion, and we'd really only gotten back to some semblance of normal in the week previous.
Of course, we said yes, come Thursday, all good. We'll make it work.
This saw us outside at 7pm that evening, ripping up the pavers that were in the way of where the pool was to be installed.
He arrived at 7pm on the Wednesday evening for a pre-dig site check... only to tell us we'd been bumped to the following Tuesday due to a delay with the digger at the previous job.
Massive sigh of relief! Hooray, we'd have a bit more time to get sorted. We had more pavers to move, a clothesline to re-home and due to a change of mind about our shed location, it would have to be moved too.
It was during this discussion with (let's call him M) M, the pool guy that we confirmed the location of the pool in the yard - which had only been discussed once prior, and that was in April during the quote visit.
Since then, we'd had a lot of time to really consider a few things, and had opted to make a couple of small changes to our yard layout. One being that we were going to relocate our 3 x 3 shed to the opposite side of the yard. This would allow us to bring the pool right up close to that slab, and utilise it for a poolside area.
This would mean the shed would have to be moved to a new slab before the pool was filled - due to earthing requirements.
Okay so you got that list - let me break it down thus far:
- 48 hours notice for dig day.
- changed to a further four days notice.
- move the clothesline.
- move the shed. (lay a new slab for it too)
- rip up the pavers.
- pool dig location slightly adjusted.
And by this time, we're only at day 2 of the build....
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